Saturday, November 13, 2010

Cholera in Haiti, Update

Dear friends,

We want to thank you all for your quick response in helping us get assistance to Haiti for the cholera crisis. MGM and GHI are collaborating with several people and organizations to get aid there immediately. Randy Uthe, a registered nurse with Global Samaritan Resources, arrives in Cap Haitian this morning to work in the hardest hit clinics in Limbe and Cap. He is planning on being there until next Saturday. Thanks to Dr. Jim Morrison, he will be carrying enough medications to treat 650 adults and 500 children, along with IV supplies and serum from Medline.

We will continue to assist in organizing medicines and supplies to assist and support those currently working in Haiti. If you would like to assist with these efforts, go to our website at to donate. Again, thank you for your prayers and continued support during this time to help the Haitian people. It is amazing seeing the many people and organizations come together in the name of the Lord to help!
God bless,

Brad Gautney

Global Health Innovations
Manna Global Ministries

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