Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Paul Morphy

"I have had a long-time interest in running, learning, and people-not necessarily in that order. When I visited Haiti a few years ago I once saw a school with missing walls and a little girl looking out through a huge hole in one wall while classes were going on. She was under-clothed and quite probably lacked many educational opportunities others take for granted. I took a photograph of her that day, but did little else to help her other than to pray that she and others like her would have a better chance.

Children in Haiti (or anywhere) don't need well-intended people to feel sorry for them. Rather, they need opportunities to learn how to build better lives for themselves and their families. Look through history and you will never find a time or circumstance where ignorance has been the better course. Learning can be powerful for dealing with life's difficulties-helping to define the road out.

Over the past 15 years or so I've run largely out of personal interest. Running the New York City marathon to raise funds for the school in Lagosette brings greater purpose to my running-it also helps me deal with the picture of that little girl."

Please consider sponsoring the Lagosette School through Paul's efforts. Donations can be made using the Chip-In meter on the right.


Paul said...

While the ChipIn meter doesn't show it we have thus far $761.00 donated towards the Lagosette school with more promised. This is a good start with 47 days to the ING New York city marathon and 54 days to meet our goal of $1.00/mile from 100 friends. Feel free to Chipin.

Paul said...

While the ChipIn meter doesn't show it we have thus far $761.00 donated towards the Lagosette school with more promised. This is a good start with 47 days to the ING New York city marathon and 54 days to meet our goal of $1.00/mile from 100 friends. Feel free to Chipin.

Paul said...

Lagosette Update: While the ChipIn meter doesn't show it we have thus
far $761.00 donated towards the Lagosette school with more promised.
This is a good start with 47 days to the ING New York city marathon and
54 days to meet our goal of $1.00/mile from 100 friends. Feel free to